Replacement Windows & Energy Savings

replacement windowsReplacing old windows is one of the easiest and most apparent forms of energy savings. Old drafty single pane windows are very common in older homes.

Having a single pane window is like having a leaky faucet. Air is constantly escaping your house. Replacing ineffective windows can give your house a refreshing new look while also saving energy and money in the future.

The name of the game is double pane. Double pane windows will save you money on your heating and cooling bills. They significantly reduce heat loss in the winter and can very easily reduce heat gain during the summer.

It is suggested that a double pane window be covered with a special low-e coating (low emissivity). Where to apply this coating depends on your geographic location. A professional window contractor in your area can assist you in performing such a task.

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Contact us for more information on how we can help you save energy with replacement windows in Winston-Salem and surrounding areas!

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